Our Data

Global data at your fingertips

Access reliable and up-to-date information on your customers to protect and grow your business.

Our global data reach

Our global database contains insights on more than 430 million businesses, directors and shareholders worldwide.

Creditsafe has the largest wholly owned database in the industry, providing accurate and reliable data to over 200,000 subscribers across the globe. We gather data from our local, trusted partners and combine it with our scoring algorithm, resulting in the superior data powering our complete business solutions product suite. 

Creditsafe is the founder and administrator of a global network of leading commercial credit reference agencies. We have live data streams for over 160 countries, working with partners that are recognized market leaders in each country for online database reports. By using local providers wherever possible, we are ensuring niche knowledge is streamed into our data and updated on a regular basis. 

Trade payment & invoice data

We collect and analyse how millions of invoices are paid daily from over 85 million tradelines worldwide.

Our Trade Payment Data Program is built on real life payment experiences from real companies, giving you accurate insight into how invoices are paid throughout the world. This information is then built into our scoring model, allowing all aspects of available information to be taken into account when scoring a company. The data allows us to map an accurate picture of a company’s payment performance and see how they rank against their industry regarding how they pay their bills.

Scoring & analysis

We're actively predicting more than 70% of all business failures each month.

The Creditsafe scoring model is a highly predictive analytical tool that uses the latest advanced, statistical techniques. It combines commercial and other key information, including trade payment information, public information, key financial ratios, industry sector analysis, and other performance indicators, providing Creditsafe customers with a view of their existing and future customers.

The Creditsafe scoring model predicts the likelihood of a company failing within the next 12 months. Our rating model was created by our analytics team who continuously reviewed companies that failed over a 12 month period and assessed the commonalities within these failures. We compile hundreds of variables and look at the weighting each variable carried, along with the impact each variable had on the failed businesses. We select a number of variables which we compile together to create the modules, bringing you the most up-to-date information within our data and one of the most predictive scoring algorthims available. 

Our data process


Our data is globally sourced on local levels and then amalgamated into our products. We use information from local Registries, local publications, debt collection sources plus more in all our instant online business reports. Our data is wholly owned or delivered to us by our trusted local partners across the globe.


When our data is verified, we transform and process it in our data factory. The data is merged, cleansed and linked through a surveillance system to ensure every piece of data is formatted and distributed in the correct way for its specific purpose.


When we receive our data, we validate it using various techniques from data issue tracking, certification and statistic collection to workflow management and aggregate-based verification. We have a Data Governance framework which ensures we maintain quality of information we provide to our clients.


Once our data has been verified and transformed, we then feed it into our credit algorithm and products, creating the most up-to-date and accurate data on scores and limits, financial results, officer information, payment performance data, plus much more.