Company Monitoring

Get daily alerts on changes to companies that could influence your business

Track changes to your customers and suppliers with real-time company monitoring

Real time monitoring alerts so you can act when it matters the most

Maximise your protection with company changes delivered to your inbox.

Company Monitoring helps you to keep a close eye on your customers and suppliers without the need to regularly check their company reports. Simply add them to monitoring and if there are any changes to the company, you will receive an email notification. This tool could lead to saving you both time and money; allowing you to spot the warning signs and act before it's too late.

Easily add companies to your watch list from within our company credit reports

Company monitoring alerts

View critical company changes in a way that suits you

Explore individual portfolios in your dashboard over a timefame that you select

Add companies to your monitoring portfolios to follow any or all of the below company event changes. 

  • Notice of Administration
  • Notice of a WRIT
  • Voluntary arrangement
  • Notice of Dissolution
  • Notice of Liquidation
  • Meeting of creditors
  • Winding up notice
  • County Court Judgment (CCJ)
  • Credit score changes
  • Credit limit changes
  • New accounts filed
  • Financial changes
  • Company name changes
  • Company address changes
  • Telephone number changes
  • Change of ultimate holding
Start monitoring your customers

*Some monitoring items are restricted by company type or country. 

Monitor changes to companies in 19 countries

Get real-time monitoring alerts on Canadian and International companies.

    United Kingdom
    United States

Did you know? You can now monitor companies in 19 countries directly from within our domestic and international credit reports.

Enhanced features to help you maximise opportunities and reduce exposure to risk

Evaluate entire portfolios or individual companies

Changes to Company Information

Receive email updates that detail changes to companies that affect yours. Keep a close eye on your customers, suppliers, prospects and competitors.


Export your entire portfolio with all updated business information appended. Choose the information that you want to see from several different categories, including Credit Rating, Address changes, Turnover and many more.

Portfolio Analysis

Analyse your entire portfolio, allowing you to compare customers in different segments so you can identify where your biggest risk lies.

Customisable Monitoring

Choose the alerts you receive on each portfolio, meaning you can tailor what factors you are made aware of, depending on the risk of that portfolio.

Create Sales Opportunities

By monitoring companies with a poor credit rating in your target market, you will receive alerts when they become creditworthy.

Competitor Alerts

Add your competitors to a portfolio and receive updates on changes to their company credit reports as and when they happen.

Portfolio Events

Instantly see the updates on each of your portfolios in the period that you want, allowing you to see how many events have happened in a portfolio, within a time frame that matters to you.

Monitor Debtors

Create portfolios of your debtors and receive instant alerts to any changes on that company.

Frequently asked questions

How can I monitor a company?

Monitoring is integrated into our company credit reports. You can add individual companies to monitoring from within our company credit reports. When viewing a company report, you will be given an option to add the company to your default portfolio or to create a new one.

If you have lots of companies you need to monitor, you can upload a bulk list of companies and add them to monitoring. 

What company changes can I monitor?

The changes that Monitoring enables you to track will vary per country depending on data availability. Below are the changes you can Monitor based upon for UK companies, followed by chages that are available on all countries available through international company monitoring.

Credit Score

Credit Limit

Financial Changes (LTD only)

Ultimate Holding Company Changes (LTD only)

Administration/Receivership Notices

Liquidation Notices

Meeting of Creditors Notices

Winding Up Notices

WRIT Notices

County Court Judgment Notices

Voluntary Arrangement Notices

Dissolution Notices


Global Changes

International Credit Score

Credit Limit

Company Name

Company Address

Telephone Number


What countries can I monitor companies in?

You can monitor companies in 16 different countries. More countries will be added soon. If you would like to monitor changes to a company in a country that is not listed below, please get in touch.

How many different portfolio lists can I upload?

You can add an unlimited number of companies and lists to Monitoring. The portfolio tab allows you to manage all of your existing lists, as well as create new lists. 

How will I receive alerts on companies I am monitoring?

Company monitoring alerts are sent by email as soon as a change happens. You can also configure monitoring to schedule daily, weekly or monthly exports. 

Customers using our company data API can also choose to receieve monitoring alerts via our API. 

Can I schedule exports for companies I am monitoring?

Exports can be scheduled so they are sent to you either daily, weekly or monthly. You can export all the companies in your list as well as the most recent changes. 

Track Changes to Your Customers and Suppliers Today

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