3D Ledger credit management

Choose an efficient credit management solution to increase your cashflow and liquidity.

The 3D ledger from Creditsafe supports you in getting your outstanding invoices from your debtors paid faster.

This is a business service and is therefore valid only for business purposes

Minimise your outstanding invoices with a higher probability of late payments and depreciations.

Stay ahead of the game with your debtors. Analyse the credit risks linked to your outstanding invoices and refine your cash collection strategy

What is the 3D Ledger?

Data Intelligence

The credit scorecard from Creditsafe

An efficient debtor management tool for your credit management.

The 3D Ledger from Creditsafe makes it possible to keep track of your outstanding invoices in one single overview, based on the linked credit risk in relation to the outstanding days within and beyond terms.

This efficient credit management solution links the outstanding invoices to the credit score of Creditsafe and labels the risk category of the debtor, based on your outstanding days within or beyond terms. This allows you to act much more promptly in case of impending bad debts and depreciations due to imminent insolvencies.

The 3D Ledger from Creditsafe makes it possible to keep track of your outstanding invoices in one single overview, based on the linked credit risk in relation to the outstanding days within and beyond terms.

Segment and Analyse

In addition to an efficient credit management, you can make the necessary analyses per customer and portfolio to optimise your credit risk management strategy.

Segment the classes of credit risk, compare them with industry averages and analyse the payment behaviour to gain an overall picture of your debtors. You not only reduce your outstanding invoices, but also refine your collection process and minimise your depreciations.

you can make the necessary analyses per customer and portfolio to optimise your credit risk management strategy.

Give your company the gift of foresight

From commercial lenders to global manufacturers, companies around the world trust us to strive to be a leader in our industry by providing superior credit risk information on which your business can rely. 

With this scoring model, we are able to predict 81% of bankruptcies 12 months before they occur in Belgium and 70%, on average, when it comes to international companies. Read more here »

With this scoring model, we are able to predict 81% of bankruptcies 12 months before they occur in Belgium and 70%, on average, when it comes to international companies.
What is the 3D Ledger?
Data Intelligence
The credit scorecard from Creditsafe

The 3D Ledger supports you in removing your debtor or payment worries

Improving your cashflow

Gain insight into your customers' payment trends so you can create a complete profile and identify payment gaps in your ledger - you can now prioritise your collections process accordingly.

Reduce payment terms and late payments

Define more realistic payment terms - Stimulate sales while minimising unpaid or late payments.

Identify where money is due

Use numerous company data fields, from payment terms to demographic information, to analyse your ledger and create easy-to-read charts - get real insight into what your credit ledger actually looks like.

Monitor your cashflow and receive alerts

Monitor your portfolio and get alerts for changes in your portfolio based on your specifications.


Quickly and easily set targets for the credit management team based on smart company data, credit scores and outstanding receivables.

Clean and correct company data

As the 3D ledger is linked to the Creditsafe company database, you can immediately detect incorrect invoicing data.

Start optimising your credit control and collection management today

The 3D Ledger is also available for your international debtors

Currently available in 12 countries worldwide

    United Kingdom
    United States

Trade Payment Data Programme

Trade Payment Data or payment experiences can provide you with the ultimate solution in managing your risk exposure and cash collection strategy.

The payment data we collect in our "Trade Payment Data Programme" is based on real and unique payment experiences of companies all over the world.

Analysing information from over 297 million invoices, our programme is committed to portraying a true insight on how businesses from across the globe pay their invoices.

Share your commercial trade experiences with Creditsafe, so we can create the world’s largest Trade Payment Programme!


Share your payment experiences with us in complete confidentiality and discover your commercial advantage today!